Sunday 6 May 2018

Project: Polonaise- Part 12, Finale

So I only just realised that I never got round to publishing this post, but here is the final instalment of the polonaise project which I completed almost a whole year ago, eek!

Once the costumes, coursework and dissertations were all completed the final part of my classes grade was a show and exhibition of our work. This meant a stressful week of rehearsals, decorating the theatre and organising shelves, plinths and mannequins for displaying our work.

My section of the exhibition, my other two costumes are Papageno from The Magic Flute by Mozart (my design project) and Aravis from The Horse and His Boy by C.S Lewis (interpreted for stage from the book illustration by Pauline Baynes)

1790s short stays (and a petticoat)

In January I made a decision to begin a 1790's ensemble. I originally wrote the majority of this post in February and have only just got...