Tuesday 12 November 2019

My Lacemaking Journey

Whenever people ask me how I learned to sew the answer is generally begins with: "I went to a Lace making Class..."

I can't remember a time when I didn't want to know how to sew, or craft or do something arty. My Mum had tried to teach me the basic stitches (I still have the unfinished doll blanket that was, technically my first ever sewing attempt). However she really doesn't like sewing so the lessons tended to be few and far between (She was much happier teaching me how to make Plum Tortes and Apple Crumbles).

The (as yet still unfinished) doll blanket
When I was about eight my mum took me to look around a craft fair that was being held in my village's Community Centre. We wandered around the main hall and then, in the side room, I found some of the girls that I knew from school who were there with their Lace Making Class. They were all sat around a table with their cushions and folders of work to show to the visitors. I remember my mum talking to Mrs. Ives, who was the teacher, and then pointing to some of the work and asking me if I would be interested in learning, the rest as they say is history...

Sunday 3 November 2019

1770s Stays: Part 2

The Stays are finally complete!
Part One is here
I began the finishing touches by strengthening the seams, covering them with some cotton tape on the inside and some ribbon on the outside.

1790s short stays (and a petticoat)

In January I made a decision to begin a 1790's ensemble. I originally wrote the majority of this post in February and have only just got...