Sunday 22 July 2018

Grandma's Dresses

So a few months ago my Mum and Auntie decided to clear out my Aunties old bedroom at my Grandparents and my Grandma gave my cousin and I permission to try on the clothes in the wardrobe and pick out anything we wanted. As the room got used for storage after my Auntie moved out there was tons of old stuff in there, only a fraction of which is included in this post. Although I've titled this post 'Grandma's Dresses' there was a lot of stuff that belonged to my Auntie and even my Great-Grandma. Unfortunately as my Grandma no longer lives at home I haven't had time to talk to her about any history behind a lot of the clothes. There may be more of a post about that in future, including the stuff I haven't got pictures of yet like my Great-Grandma's fur coat and stoles.

We kept this dress despite it being too small for either of us,
also I apparently forgot to wear matching socks

1790s short stays (and a petticoat)

In January I made a decision to begin a 1790's ensemble. I originally wrote the majority of this post in February and have only just got...