Saturday 9 March 2019

1860's Project: Pantaloons and Chemise

The 1860's outfit has been started! It seems a bit mad that Abby and I first started planning this project over a year and a half ago, and since then Imogen has joined us.

I started making the Pantaloons and chemise just before Christmas, cutting them out of an old bed sheet I bought from a charity shop (good, cheap fabric is the best fabric!). The pantaloons were made using the same pattern and techniques (minus my attempting to murder the fabric) that I used for my practice pair. The only alteration I made was to add 4 inches to the leg length so the lace band would fit below my knee instead of uncomfortably around it.

The completed pantaloons

The vintage lace I used for the inserts
 has a slightly different pattern from last time

The Pattern and construction technique for the chemise was taken from Izabela Pitcher's 'The Victorian Dressmaker'. I do have plans to make some lace at a later date to go around the neckline, but I have to teach myself Bedfordshire lace first. There may be a further blog post on that depending on how it goes.

In slightly related news I also bought myself a pair of combinations! These garments mostly replaced chemises and pantaloons from the 1870's onward to allow for less bulk under the corset. I found mine in a second hand/antiques shop in Beverley whilst I was meant to be looking for furniture for my new flat.
My New Combinations
The next step in my 1860's adventures will be to make the corset, though I am also in the process of making some 1770's stays so I'm not sure what will get finished first.

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