Sunday 23 June 2019

1770s bum pad

I decided that, for my new 1770's ensemble I required a new bum pad. This was a very quick project that I made by following the instructions from 'The American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Dressmaking'. 

Saturday 8 June 2019

1770s Stays Part One

I realised today that this blog has been neglected for a while, so it's time to catch up and hopefully get a few posts written up this weekend!

I decided a while ago that I wanted to make some 18th century clothing for myself. As the 1770s is a very versatile period with lots of  new fashions and changing styles I felt it would be the best place to start. I've covered a little of the history behind 1770s stays as well as how I made my first pair here

The Pattern I used was the 1770s stays from Corsets and Crinolines

1790s short stays (and a petticoat)

In January I made a decision to begin a 1790's ensemble. I originally wrote the majority of this post in February and have only just got...