Sunday 23 June 2019

1770s bum pad

I decided that, for my new 1770's ensemble I required a new bum pad. This was a very quick project that I made by following the instructions from 'The American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Dressmaking'. 

I used some old cotton ticking for this project (I had just enough if I pieced one of the bag pieces).

I stuffed the bum pad with feathers from a pillow. The most difficult part of this project was probably finding a feather stuffed pillow as most these days are anti allergen. 

 Once I had finished stuffing the bags (and getting a lot of the feathers on the floor) I popped my quilted petticoat over the top to check the silhouette.
wearing the finished bum pad during the first fitting for my stays
The next step for this project is to complete the stays and start on the petticoats.

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